The old English saying ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May is out’ rings as true today as ever.
May Day, the first day of May, is a festival of ancient origins and marks the beginning of Summer traditionally with the crowning of a May Queen, bopping around a Maypole, and general merriment!
Not to be confused with the distress signal Mayday or the phonetic French equivalent – ‘m’aidez’ – ‘help me’ – unless of course you’re a tad downbeat and in need of that party pick-me-up?
May time is Playtime, a time to transition from those Winter woolies to Summer skimpies, wise old sayings forsaken!!
Time to call ‘barkode’.
Time for the revelry to truly kick in regardless of what the Great British weather throws at us.
Cast those clouts and let’s get out. Or in..
‘Wherever. Whenever. Whatever.’
No better time than the present to drink and be merry and no better company to enjoy it with.
‘barKode’ – always by your side, on your side, and happy to serve.